A New Theory
Quantum Physics - Life Theory
A few scientists stated that two types of forces act on two atoms seperated by a displacement, x.
These forces are forces of attreaction and forces of repulsion. If the atoms are too close to
each other the will repel each other. If they are too far they attract. When they are too close
the electrons on both the atoms will repel one another and when far apart the proton is able to pull
the electrons. When ppl said to keep ur distance witj other ppl. They actually meant keep ur displacement.
Still dun get it.
Ok let me explain further. Lets assume two ppl are represented by two atoms. If they are good frens and they
remain close for a long time they will soon repel each other and quit being frens. U might ask how ppl remain as frens
for such a long time. The only explanation for this is a unseen force called forgiveness and tollarence.
But this force is a weak one it can only last for short time. Maybe 10 years or less. Beyond that, i will leave it
2 your imagination.
Wait, i know wats running in ur mind. How do ppl stay in love and be in love for a long time. In this
case the binding force is called love. Its a strong short term force exerted by mother nature. This force
remains as long as beauty lasts after dat if fades. Love(force) is needed to populate the world. Hence
the force is strong and vital. No offence to those who feel offended. Just voicing out my theory.
Lets say if 2 ppl in love live apart for a long time this causes longing and u tend to love the other person more.
This is due to the increase in forces of attraction. But some sceptics, still tend to question my theory.
So, u wud ask me, why ppl who love each other and live far apart, find new partners and continue living life.
Hey come on as i stated earlier its all forces. Beauty is another force. It attracts although u are in proximity to it.
So if u got any questions u can ask my by messaging me.
Just another theory by Captain Jack Sparrow.
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