Thursday, February 15, 2007


Whats da difference between the both. They are totally different. Learning is a process of seeking knowledge and studying is reading books and texts to prepare for test. Usually learning is a natural process, we learn by asking queestions, when we cant find answers we study books and texts. But nowadays studying preceeds learning, we learn things without knowing what they are. No wonder we have so little intelectuals. Basic principle to seek knowlegde is to seek the truth, understand the truth and establish the truth. So far i can only see us (students) establishing da truths in sheets of exam papers. We arent aware of the processes before the truth was discovered. I quote fron Galileo: It is easy to understand an fact once it has been discovered, the point is to discover it. Creativity lives within us and through da years we trained ourselfs to not question and make it dormant. What ever the mind can percive can be achieved or accomplished in the real world. BEar that in mind great ideas took a long time to be accepted, eg. Galileo's heliocentric system, Darwins theory of evolution, Marx's Marxism, and Einstiens theory of relativity. Without a destination to reach, a fully fueled car is worthless, unless u wann go on a joyride. Anyway life is mean to be simple and relaxed, live life da hakuna matata way. Enjoy every moment and seek truth. Before i end writing i wish u ppl hakuna matata.
---Captain Jack Sparrow---

Sunday, February 11, 2007

All Lies

From birth to death we are fed with bundles and bundles of lies. Reality is da biggest bullshit ever. Its not certain, we think we know everything bout the physical world. The truth is we know so little of the physical world dat we can barely do anything in it. We still burn fuel to prduce enrgy(electric). Why is da human mind so crude. From the way we obtain energy, it can be said we solve problems in a brute force manner. We are surrounded by those who only seek benefit for themselves and oppress others in the path to gain their so called "god given rigth". We steal from da weakest when we are supposed to protect them, i am refering to animals and plants. We think we are so damn clever and tend to claim ownership of lands and forests. Who da hell gave us da right to take it. We have exhibited that we are of a covetous and feeble minded race. We want what we desire not what we need. Most people work hard trying to climb da social ladder, i admire them but theres no need to work dat hard. We all tend to take life so seriously and squander all the good time we could have spent. Take a walk by sea, go trekking in da jungle. See what we have done to da poor earth. We steal from nature blatantly, and when we get robbed we moan and groan. We are here to understadnd da working of nature not to steal from it. So lets all repay our debts to gaia and cherish the beautiful day everyday. Necessity is not only da father of creation and ideas but also the mother of chaos and destruction.
---Captain Jack Sparrow---

If You Know U Know????

My Modern physics lecturer says the above statement when the time is up for his open book quiz. The truth is if u know its not a problem if u dont know u have to make know.... Maybe im a pious in this case, because i am one of those students who doesnt prepare for the test, think that it would be simple because it is a open book quiz. Damn it man, da questions are damn tough. Some manage to finish it though. Nevermind that i am beginning to sound like a gurl, helll. The point is i hate the system where we study using books. Books are for nerds. I like to learn things at my own pace, after all education is only what u remmeber after u leave school. Whats the point of learning things that u will forget it after we graduate. Isee no sense in this so called modern and ordered education. Its dumb. I feel as students we have to work our way to enable the younger minds to set foot into a better education. I feel its our duty to enable the younger generation to get this kinda education. Whats da point of memorising stoopid formulae without knowing what they mean... We are physicists not engineers.... Learning must be at ur own pace so that learning is not feared and hated. Learning shud be a happy process. And i would like to wish those who share the same thoughts as me to post comments.