Thursday, March 05, 2009

Not enough evidence????

When people argue evolution they argue that there is not enough evidence evolution. But they never question that there is not enough evidence that their holy books are absolutely true. Their claims are like double edged knives that they hold very far away from themselves. So now its time we start striking back until the blade is close enough to them so that they cut themselves open(not literally), and hopefully they bleed out their stupidity and idiocy therefore having relatively higher rational thought in their veins and arteries.

All the evidence is there, just that some of us choose ignorance over wisdom. Anyway for those who wish to dispute me, u may post your comments in the comments section, hopefully i have the time and patience to reply you. There are so many evidence that evolution actually occurred. And sorry to say that some idiots think we evolved from monkeys. Evolution says that we come from a common ancestor. Fossil records furthermore support the fact that we evolved from something.

IF you want more evidence read more. Dun listen to some idiot who has a degree in theology, who claims that scientific facts are lies and conspiracy. Google it up and read it up. Don't behave like you live in the dark ages. What merit does a theologian hold to interpret and comment on scientific data?

Anyway i am gonna include some links and pics and images(for those who still choose to live in the dark ages).

this is a link from wiki about transitional fossils. Read it, dont jsut see da images and make idiotic f*cked up conclusions.

another link from wiki:

This is an image of the transitional fossils of a horse. It evolved!!

Image taken from : Fossil Horse Cyber Museum.

So use google and seek answers, dont be idiots and succumb to idiotic ideas and fairy tales.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

World Wide Mania

Being an atheist and a rationalist. I wonder whether man should trouble himself with trivial issues such such as god and telling people to believe in god. I was brought up in a fairly religious family. And immediately after 13 i turned atheist. My parents did not bother or worry. But nowadays i see the world blinded by religious madness, everyone is claiming that their religion is superior and their f*ckin' god is superior, esp the Abrahamic religion.

The real reason i wrote this blog is to express my frustrations about people claiming god created everything and religious books have all the truth in them. I logged onto you tube only to find that religious a'holes making idiotic statements and trying to brainwash people into their schizophrenic world of god delusions.

What really pissed me off is when they say answers to every question can be found in holy books. This is just unacceptable and this has to stop. What the f*ck is wrong with this people? As much as i can remember these are the books that claimed the world was flat, once this was proven wrong, nobody said a word about it. And by nobody i mean da religious community.

Anyway these were the people that claimed that our earth is the center of the solar system. The holy book which has all the truth in it proposes that we live in a geocentric system. And again, when it is proven wrong, claims that people who wrote it down didn't get it right. How can u accept it as word of god if it is wrong??

So after being OWNED by the scientific community several times. They still go on claiming that holy books has the answers to all questions and crap. But this time they took the long shot, they argue facts that even scientist has yet unravel. For instance the big bang and evolution.

Anyway, i gotta give these people(religious people) an 'A' for effort and an 'A' in the BOLLOCKS department. Yeah even i can claim that the universe was created by god, but the simple question is why?? And you will say he is god and he can do what ever he pleases. Yeah, he can do whatever he pleases that is his interest, my interest is to know what was going on in his head(if he has one) before and while creating the universe. I guess if you have answers u can post it in da comments section. And what is with claiming that evolution never happened and earth being 6000 years old. C'mon we belong to the modern world. Light travels at speed of light and it would be dumb of u not to knw. The nearest star is the Proxima Centauri which is 4.2 light years away from us, that means it takes 4.2 years for light from Proxima Centauri to reach us. The furthest star in our galaxy is 70000 light years away, which means it would take 70000 years for the light form it to reach earth. So if earth was created 6000 years ago will we be able to see the star??

And now about evolution, since god created us different from all those animals and we did not evolve from animals, we magically appeared at gods will. Ill say god lacks creativity, since he decided to use the same building blocks(DNA bases) that he used to make animals in humans, and he gave us for limbs just like most animals, eyes just like animals. We even breath the same air animals do, no offence to the animals, i love animals. If you are so special why not let us breathe nitrogen in. Why do we have similar biochemical cycles and processes like other animals? But from all these, any logical, unbrainwashed and intelligent person can draw a conclusion that evolution happened, and we have actually evolved instead of being created.

This crap keeps adding on, some people claimed that science is the creation of satan. Yeah, go screw yourselves. Thanks to science you have a comfortable and fun life. Sinince science is the creation of satan, then u shud not use handphones, mp3 players and watever crap u use. When it comes to something that benefits you guys, u turn into your true self, hypocrites. When it benefits you, its ok to use satans inventions. When you are ill its ok to use satans inventions. Anyway are you guys that stupid?? if science is satans tool, will he do something to help people?? Of course science has its bad sides, but the good side dominates over the bad side.

Anyway, i hope people who spread messages(religious crap) that are ridiculous stop doing so. I am just sick of how you get into peoples minds and do the whole Man In Black thing. Stop cheating people and start thinking about your gods existence.