Theory Of Zero Pressure
This law is very simple, some take seconds to understand while others understand it as soon as they finish reading this.
Everybody is lookin for a path to reduce stress and pressure exerted unto them in daily lifes.
So i have came up with the simples solution ever. Its whether u dare to do what u should do.
pressure is defined as force applied per unit area. In this case lets carry out a mental experiment, imagine a person standing with lots of things on his/her head, all things have mass. and force is directly proportional to mass. ok back to ur imagination. Pressure can be reduced or eliminated, by removing things that are on his/her head pressure decreases. So u can life a less stressful life. So to achieve zero pressure is quite impossible but near zero values are possible, u can achieve zero value if u remove all things on your head. So from this theory i have come up with a coclucion which is:
"When the going gets tough, you better go home" and many other varying statements.
If u analyse the situation using vectors u will realise that the saying when the goin gets tough the tough must get goin, is also da same as when the goin gets tough u get goin(go home). Its onli relative, if u move away from da tough u see it as if the tough moves. So our ancestor creted this based on vector theories.
---Captain Jack Sparrow---
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