Saturday, June 24, 2006

Hail Hawking!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hail Hawking. Stephen Hawking is gonna write a book for kids. He wants kids to understand cosmology, simplied at least. Soon the world will have many theoretical physicists. The worl will be made a better place with more physicists. Physics is everything, its the fundamental of Chemistry and Biology. Meanwhile math is the father of all sciences, math is not only about equations and numbers. Math is more than that, math is logical thinking, and finding patterns in the logic and trying to make an equation based on the reasoning. Sometimes math is created for the purpose of physics. For example, calculus, newton invented calculus to aid in his theory of motion and gravitation. Ooops forgot to hail Newton, he was the father of theoretical physics. hahaha. After calculus, theoretical physics flourished. Anyway hope you ppl can buy Hawkings books to show support to Hawking and theoretical physics. So dont say things are not related. Everythings related.

-----Captain Jack Sparrow-----


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