Seperation is Union
Recently, we recieved our university entrance letters, all my friends are going to be placed everywhere within Malaysia, some of my friends are leaving to foriegn countries. At first i was worried at first, but later realised the ultimate truth. I realised worry was a mere feeling. It isnt aware of the physical universe. Feelings can only see the universe as 2D or maybe 1D(straight line). Therefore as a point moves away from another point along a selected line/path the distance can only increase. But i later realised the earth is a sphere, and not flat. Hahaha, makes us laugh how the midieval pepole lived lifes considering the earth is flat. Hahaha. Maybe feelings didn learn since medi eval times. hahaha. Again earth is a sphere. As u move along a line away from one point, the futher u move the closer u u get to the other point. So seperation is union. Therefore one should not worry so much about seperation.
Anyway to those frens of mine who are leaving to distant places like UKM, UUM and UMS. I
will miss u ppl and i hope newtons third law is is applicable in this case with no resistance.
To those who are confused with seperation is union concept can understand it better in equation form:
point a to point b
distance, d0 = (thetha)R; thetha = angle between a and b from centre of earth.
R = Radius of earth
distance from a to b is also :
distance, d1 = (2*pi - thetha)R
from equation 1 as thetha increases distance increases,
while from equation 2 as thetha increase distance decreases.
Therefore seperattion is union.
----Captain Jack Sparrow----
----Switzerland Here I Come----